Banks often automatically block high value transactions when you pay by credit card. A few steps can be taken to complete your purchase
The following steps shall help you to complete your purchase:
If your payment attempt failed, please check if you have sufficient balance on your credit card.
Please contact the bank issuer of your credit card. Banks often automatically block high value transactions to avoid possible issues with fraudulent use of account number for an expensive purchase. If you confirm to the bank that you are the cardholder and you are willing to make this purchase, your transaction will be approved by the bank and you will be able to successfully complete your purchase.
If an option by wire transfer is a suitable option for you, we advise choosing this option. This allows you 3 working days to complete the payment offline.
If the above steps didn’t resolve the issue, please contact our customer service team at It will be easier to help you, if you can provide a screenshot of the error message, a brief description of the steps during which the problem occurred and the payment method used.
Wishing you smooth shopping experience!