What should I prepare before a flatbed delivery?

Prepare for flatbed delivery: ensure space, clear obstructions, check entrance width, prepare offloading equipment.

Before a flatbed delivery, you should:

  • Ensure sufficient space: Make sure there is enough space on your property for the delivery truck to access. Measure the available area and consider factors such as the container size and the maneuvering space required by the truck.
  • Clear obstructions: Clear your driveway or property of any obstructions that may block the truck's access. Remove any parked vehicles, bicycles, or other items that might obstruct the path.
  • Check entrance width: Assess the width of the entrance, considering any fences, trees, or other structures that may limit the truck's passage. Ensure that the entrance is at least 12 feet wide for the truck to access. If you are unsure of the access, share photos or videos of the delivery location with us or the driver before delivery.
  • Offloading equipment: Make sure you have the offloading equipment ready and in a location where you can safely offload the container.